You do this because you have two custom node parts in the pattern, so you need a distinct value for each virtual machine created. 这是因为在这个模式中有两个定制节点部分,需要为创建的每个虚拟机提供不同的值。
The first two tasks install and augment profiles must run on both Deployment Manager and Custom Node parts. 前两个任务(安装和补充配置文件)必须在部署管理器和自定义节点这两个部件上运行。
You can create custom function selectors should you want to use information in other parts of the message to determine which operation to invoke. 如果希望使用消息的其他部分的信息来确定调用的操作,则可以创建自定义函数选择器。
In this pattern, you also have to configure the custom node parts before you deploy. 在该模式下,您还需要在部署之前配置自定义节点部件。
To generate custom edit parts, check the elements. 要产生自定义编辑部分,要核查这个元素。
Unlike the previous deployment, you do not need to provide information to create managed nodes in the cell because you included custom node parts in your pattern. 不同于前一个部署,您不需要提供信息来在单元中创建托管节点,因为您在模式中包含了自定义节点部件。
In this case, that means your WebSphere Application Server cluster will have two members because your pattern contains two custom node parts. 在本例中,您的WebsphereApplicationServer集群会有两个成员,因为您的模式包含两个自定义节点部件。
After configuring the deployment manager part, configure the custom node parts and the IBM HTTP Server part ( because you included that as a separate part of your pattern) with the necessary password information. 在配置部署管理器部件之后,使用必要的密码信息配置自定义节点部件和IBMHTTPServer部件(因为您将其包含为模式的一个独立部件)。
Before diving into the custom plug-in creation part of this article it is worth talking about parts and nodeparts since they figure heavily in the following sections. 在深入了解本文的自定义插件创建部分之前,需要讨论一下part和nodepart,因为这两者在以后的章节中非常重要。
Since you are using custom node parts, you can leverage the ability to define clusters as an advanced option for the pattern. 因为您在使用自定义节点部件,您可以利用定义集群的能力,将其作为模式的高级选项。
In the third scenario, the custom application is divided into three parts. 在第三个场景中,自定义应用程序分解为3部分。
For the custom node parts, select the same cloud and IP group as you did for the deployment manager part. 对于定制节点部分,选择与部署管理程序部分相同的云组和IP组。
As Wilby gets to know the company better, he can group other documents by adding some custom relationships to see how other parts of the organization are seen through the lens of the capability map. 由于Wilby对公司的了解更多,他可以通过添加一些自定义关系来对其他文档分组,以便显示组织的其他部分通过功能图透视镜看起来是什么样子。
You can easily include Domino-based applications and data with standard or custom SharePoint Web Parts as well other avenues. 可以方便地使用标准的或定制的SharePointWebPart以及其他途径来包含基于Domino的应用程序和数据。
The details of creating custom Web Parts is beyond the scope of this article. 创建定制WebPart的具体细节不在本文所讨论的范围之内。
This means tinkerers, builders, entrepreneurs, and small businesses can order custom motors and parts from Chinese factories without having to travel there, find a scout, and forge a relationship with a manufacturer before doing business. 这意味着修理工、建筑商、企业家和小企业都可以从中国的工厂订购定制的发动机和零件,而不必亲自来到中国寻找联系人与制造商建立关系,然后开展业务。
This old custom has recently been revived in some parts of the country. 这个旧习俗在这个国家的一些地方得以再兴。
New research suggests that the custom in parts of Africa and Asia to cut the sex organs of girls can cause infertility. 新研究表明在非洲和亚洲部分地区割掉女孩性器官的风俗会导致她们将来无法怀孕。
Custom Web Parts that derive from the WebPart class, on the other hand, can be compiled into a reusable DLL and deployed globally in the Global Assembly Cache ( GAC). 另一方面,自定义Web部件类继承自WebPart类,能够被编译到一个可重用的dll里面,并且部署到全局程序集缓存(GAC)。
According to the PRC custom regulations, the import duty on service parts should be waived within the warranty period if the equipment was legally imported to China. 根据中国海关的规定,如果设备是合法进口到中国的,在质量保证期内维修零部件应免除进口关税的征收。
The custom of toasting in some parts of China is to finish the drink at once, but westerners usually take only a sip. 中国的有些地方的祝酒习俗是一饮而尽,但西方人则通常只是呷一小口。
Developing custom Web Parts provides an easy and powerful way to extend sites based on Windows SharePoint Services. 基于WindowsSharePoint服务的站点还提供了一种简便而且强大的方法扩展站点的功能,那就是:开发自定义Web部件。
Inefficient data access by custom web parts 自定义Web部件进行了无效率的数据访问
Software factories are these custom, configurable orchestration tools which provide the capability to assemble these variable configurable parts into specific families of products. 软件工厂,就是这样的用户配置和编辑工具,它具有将不同可配置部件装配入特定类型软件产品的能力。
No binding regulation, law, or custom can apply to all its parts. 成文的法令、规章或习惯,均无法全部适用。
The custom of toasting in some parts of China is to finish the drink at once. 将杯中的酒一饮而净是中国某些地方喝酒的习俗。
Then, custom operating system kernel and analyses the BSP architecture and developing steps of software parts. 然后为系统定制操作系统内核,并分析软件部分中的BSP包结构和开发步骤。
The tourism resources about folk custom was one of the important parts of tourism culture resources. It was the necessary knowledge that tourism workers should command. 民俗文化旅游资源是人文旅游资源的重要组成部分,是旅游从业人员应该掌握的文化知识。
The funeral custom in ancient China includes to parts& burial custom and residential custom, which played a very important role in the ancient social life. 中国古代的丧葬制度包括埋葬制度和居丧制度,在古代社会生活中具有重要的地位。
The religious belief and custom of Hui are composed of important parts of economy of Hui. 回族的宗教信仰和习俗构成回族经济的重要组成部分。